adidas - Members Week SS23

Client — adidas
Role — Digital Design
Team — Anna-Belle Mulder, Carolina Cwiklinska, Helen King, James Schumacher, Karen Cardy, Bindu van Dreumel, Jamie McQuary, Geraldine van Oversteeg, Alexandra van Nunen, Jennifer Carey, Yuka Kambayashi, Martin Granger, Emily Scott, Harmony Boda, Sophie van den Berg, Luca Cioni, Bala Commerford, Delia Mennell, Greta Beleškaitė, Federica D'Urzo, Ron-Peter W, Yasamin Shadanlou, Clara V., Sam Mackrill, Olivia Adda, Laura Bury, Laura Wesson, John Moulder, Ashly Stewart & Eduardo Campuzano.

Members Week is an important moment in the calendar for adidas, that takes place twice a year. It’s when we inspire, celebrate and reward our 300+ million members. Exclusive content, dedicated products and unique experiences and rewards. Members Week is dedicated to helping members unlock possibilities to do more of what they love. We do this by leveraging access, partner credibility, and activating our expertise across adidas platforms, apps and also within retail.

I worked on this project as a digital designer, shaping the visual identity guidelines. The VI was inspired on zines, synonymous with passion and a desire to share your creativity with the world. Together with a talented team of designers we created the rules for layouts, lockups, colour usage, typography, graphic elements, sizing etc. Afterwards we rolled out the full digital toolkit per phase, that would be used on global level by many different markets all over the world. We created the assets for dotcom, app, crm, paid/organic social and paid media. We even briefed the retail team, in order to keep consistency in the visual identity across touchpoints. 


Set in Stone - Brand Identity


VanMoof - The only way to move